Youssef Amin | Former Lab Manager
Youssef is a graduate student at Princeton University studying musicology and neuroscience. He is interested in pattern recognition and how manipulation of patterns translates to affective responses in music listeners. He was lab manager of the Krosch Lab from 2021-2023. He collaborates with Amy and the Krosch Lab on minimal group bias research.

Isabella Crame | Former Research Assistant
Isabella Crame graduated from Cornell University in 2024 with a double major in psychology, with a concentration in social and personality psychology, and sociology, as well as minors in Latino studies and inequality studies. She is interested in the social psychology of race and racism, and explores topics such as racial identity formation, identity salience in multiple minority individuals, and anti-bias strategies. Her current work looks at the affiliative labeling behaviors of multiple minority multiracial people under identity threat and how that interacts with the boundaries of multiracial identity flexibility. Her question here is, when an individual has many options for how to describe themselves, what factors influence their choice? She is currently pursuing this work in an honors thesis: Multiracial identity flexibility under conditions of identity threat. In the lab, she is also working with graduate students on projects investigating harm aversion toward political in-groups and out-groups, as well as risky decision-making tasks for racial in-groups and out-groups. Outside of research, Isabella loves cooking, dancing, and watching old rom-coms. Isabella will be starting her PhD at Oregon State University this fall.

Anya English | Former Research Assistant
Anya English graduated from Cornell University with a major in Psychology and a minor in Health Equity in 2024. Anya's research in the lab focused on bias in intergroup pain perception, health seeking behaviors, and Black maternal experiences. Anya is passionate about women's health equity and plans to become a doula. Outside of the lab, Anya researched at SUNY Upstate Medical University, investigating ADHD and cardiometabolic disorders. She worked at the Women's Resource Center, was a member of Psi Chi, and an EARS trainee. After receiving her Bachelor’s degree, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, with the goals of providing community mental health care with a focus on women’s health, preventative care, and public health policy.

Hyacinth White-Grey | Former Research Assistant
Hyacinth graduated from Cornell in 2024 with a major in psychology. She joined the Krosch Lab as a Nexus Scholar for the Summer 2022. She is primarily interested in biases in healthcare and different methods to reduce bias. Outside of research, she was co-president of the women of color mentorship organization Building Ourselves Through Sisterhood and Service and the pre-medical fraternity Phi Delta Epsilon. She enjoys listening to music, attending festivals, watching Netflix, and exploring Ithaca.
Abena Gyasi | Former Research Assistant
Abena graduated in the College of Arts & Sciences double majoring in Biology & Society and Psychology with a minor in Inequality Studies on the Health Equity track in May 2022. She joined the Krosch Lab in Spring 2020 and is interested in how our perceptions of race impact healthcare disparities and outcomes. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, playing the guitar, making music, and rollerskating.
Chadé Darby | Graduate Student
Chadé Darby is a PhD Student in Organizational Behavior at Cornell University's School of Industrial and Labor Relations. Chadé earned a B.S. in psychology with honors from the University of Pittsburgh in 2021. Her research interests lie in understanding the emotions and feelings of marginalized employees to better inform diversity, equity, and inclusion policies and practices in the workplace.

Anna Hu | Former Research Assistant
Anna graduated from Cornell University in May 2022, double majoring in Psychology and College Scholar (independent research-based major). As an international student from Shanghai, China, she is interested in intercultural studies and intergroup relations, specifically interminority relations. Her current research studies examines Asians' and African Americans’ perception, attitudinal and behavioral outcomes towards each other, and how memory affects these outcomes. Outside of research, she was active in the Cornell Taekwondo team and co-founded HEAL, a culturally-sensitive mental health platform for Asian international students.

Rachel King | Former Graduate Student
Rachel is a second-year Ph.D. student in social psychology working with Drs. Amy Krosch and Katherine Kinzler, and she is broadly interested in the development of social group concepts and biases. In the Krosch Lab, Rachel researches people's thinking about social category-based privilege and designs interventions to reduce intergroup biases. Outside of the Krosch Lab, Rachel researches adults' and children's thinking about wealth, geography, and social mobility.

Benedek Kurdi | Postdoc
Benedek was a postdoctoral associate in the Psychology Department at Cornell University, working with Melissa Ferguson and Amy Krosch. Benedek obtained his A.M. and his Ph.D. at Harvard University where he worked with Mahzarin Banaji, Fiery Cushman, and Sam Gershman. He is currently an assistant professor at the University of Illinois - Urbana Champagne.

Randy Lee | Former Graduate Student
Randy Lee is a graduate student is interested in three distinct, but interrelated topics: 1) emotion and emotion theory (e.g., equifinality and equipotentiality of emotion); 2) the deliberate and automatic ways we intrapsychically and interpersonally regulate emotion (e.g., attachment behaviors); and 3) the causes, responses, and outcomes of and to social exclusion at the intrapsychic, interpersonal, communal, and institutional levels. Randy received his B.A. in psychology from the University of California, Berkeley.

Ari Lisner | Former Lab Manager
Lab Manager (Fall 2016-Summer 2018)
Rachel earned a B.A. in psychology and philosophy from Rutgers University - New Brunswick and completed an honors thesis that employed forensic analytic techniques (p-curve, replicability index, and test of insufficient variance) to examine the evidential value of politicized and non-politicized literatures within social psychology. Rachel joined the lab in Fall 2016 as Lab Manager and researched essentialist beliefs about race and gender, perceptions of gender ambiguity, and representations of race in the legal context. Rachel is now located New York City in a Quantitative User Experience Analyst role learning more about what motivates consumer behavior.

Sabrina Liu | Former Honors Student
Sabrina is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences pursuing majors in Psychology and Government and minors in Theatre and Inequality Studies. She is currently conducting her honors thesis in the Social Perception & Intergroup Inequality Lab, investigating social perceptions of previously incarcerated citizens in job application processes. After graduation, she is considering a Master of Fine Arts in drama, and she may also go to law school.

Abby Nissenbaum | Former Visiting RA
Research Assistant (Fall 2016-Spring 2017)
Abby Nissenbaum is a third-year PhD student at Clark University who is currently collaborating with the Krosch Lab. Broadly, her research interests coalesce into areas of stereotyping, prejudice, and violence toward marginalized sex and gender groups.

Suzy Park | Former Honors Student
Suzy graduated from Cornell’s College of Arts and Sciences double majoring in Economics and Psychology, and minoring in Law and Society. While she was a member of the Krosch Lab, she conducted an honors thesis on how the perception of minority advancement influences White Americans’ perception of and behaviors toward Black Americans. Suzy has since gone on to seek higher education at Columbia Law.

Benjamin Ruisch | Former Graduate Student
Benjamin Ruisch was born in the rural Midwest. After a few years of traveling the country and getting to know its inhabitants, he enrolled at Hunter College in New York City, where he earned his B.A. in psychology with a minor in media studies in 2012. He is currently a sixth-year graduate student in social psychology. He is primarily interested in the implicit influences of ideologies, especially their role in shaping intergroup relations. In his spare time, he can be found scouring Ithaca curbsides for free stuff.

Xi Shen | Former Graduate Student
Xi mainly researches implicit impression formation and updating and judgments about trustworthiness. In the Krosch Lab, she studies how people's perception of facial trustworthiness could be influenced by threatening situations. Xi received her B.S. in China and M.A at NYU without leaving psychology. She enjoys traveling and searching on Yelp for good and bad restaurants.

Mikaela Spruill | Former Graduate Student
Mikaela was a graduate student who studies perceptual bias at the intersection of race and gender. Her research focuses on revealing the ideological barriers to social justice that exist for minority groups. She works to understand how our beliefs about the overarching American system amplify discrimination and inequality in order to uncover interventions that can aid in reducing bias and addressing disparities in America. Mikaela earned her MA in experimental psychology from Wake Forest University, and her BS in neuroscience from The College of William and Mary. She enjoys going to concerts, doing yoga, and watching football.

Steve Strycharz | Former Graduate Student
Steve studies how perceived time scarcity (i.e., feeling as if one does not have enough time to do the things that need to be done) influences life satisfaction as well as everyday judgments and decisions. One project explores how life satisfaction is differentially influenced by subjective busyness (i.e., perceived time scarcity) and objective busyness (i.e., number of hours spent on work-related activities). Before beginning his Ph.D. at Cornell, Steve studied psychology at the University of Michigan, working primarily with Ethan Kross. When not in the lab, Steve enjoys spending time in the natural areas around Ithaca – hiking, running, biking, and kayaking. He also enjoys traveling, cooking, and watching his favorite team– Liverpool FC.

Stephanie Tepper | Former Graduate Student
Stephanie Tepper was a graduate student in the Krosch Lab studying how people make decisions in ways that influence high-level social inequalities. She focuses on questions related to perceptions of inequality, resource allocation decisions, and interventions to promote equal outcomes. Prior to starting graduate school, she worked at the Center for Advanced Hindsight conducting research to improve financial decision-making through behavioral intervention. Stephanie received a B.A. in Psychology & Neuroscience from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Outside of the lab, she enjoys browsing Ithaca's local markets and playing music.

Tara Soltani | Former Research Assistant
Tara received her B.A. in Information Science and Psychology from Cornell's College of Arts & Sciences in December 2021. She joined the Krosch Lab as an undergraduate research assistant in spring 2020, and she is interested in how people perceive mixed-race individuals. In her free time, Tara enjoys exploring Ithaca's cuisine and going to spin classes.

Jesse Walker | Former Graduate Student
Jesse Walker studies consumer behavior. He’s interested in how normal judgment processes can be hijacked by the social environment to create predictable biases in consumer decision making. He received his PhD in social psychology from Cornell University in 2019. Prior to graduate school, he spent nine years touring the world with his band, the Flobots, and three years as a Senior Pricing Analyst with Safeco Insurance Company.
Jesse Walker is currently an assistant professor in Marketing and Logistics at the Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University.

Catherine Wall | Former Lab Manager
Catherine earned her B.S. in Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University, where she worked with numerous labs in both Social and Health Psychology. Her research interests holistically focus on bias and prejudice, considering both internal and external factors and outcomes. She is particularly interested in investigating bias and prejudice towards individuals with concealable stigmatized identities, with a more specific focus on those with intersectional stigmatized identities. Catherine joined the Social Perception & Intergroup Inequality Lab in the Summer 2018 as the lab manager. She enjoys spending her free time hiking, baking, and learning to play new instruments.

Samantha Tellefsen | Post-Bacc Researcher
Sam is a post-bacc researcher interested in how people contend with privilege and whether, and where, people differ in what they believe to be morally good. She holds a BS in Psychological and Brain Sciences from the University of California, Santa Barbara and has interned in the Emotion, Health, and Psychophysiology Lab at the University of California, San Francisco. She is also the lab manager for the Applied Moral Psychology Lab at Cornell.

Teresa Garcia | Former Lab Manager
Teresa is an Ithaca native and recent graduate from UCLA where she got her BS in Cognitive Science with a minor in Spanish. During her undergraduate degree she interned at the Institute for Advanced Consciousness Studies under Dr. Nicco Reggente in Santa Monica, California, as well as at a Social Cognition Laboratory under Dr. Berenice Valdés-Conroy at the Universidad de Complutense during a semester abroad in Madrid, Spain. Outside of the lab, she enjoys running, singing, and spending time outside.

Kai Barker | Research Assistant
Kai Barker is an undergraduate junior pursuing a double major in Information Science and Psychology in Cornell University’s College of Arts and Sciences. He is mainly interested in the behavioral parameters behind decision making and biases that may impact choice processes. For the lab, he is currently the project lead on research investigating biases in risky financial decision making. Outside of his research, he trains in multiple combat sports and is the president of the Cornell Muay Thai Club. He also enjoys jazz, traveling, and philosophy.
Laila Dancy | Research Assistant
Laila is a rising junior in Cornell University’s College of Arts and Sciences. She is majoring in Information Science, with a concentration in User Expereince, and minoring in Psychology. She joined the Krosch lab in the summer of 2022 as a part of the Nexus Scholars program. She is mainly interested in the intersection of psychology and technology, and how its connection plays a role in societal inequalities. Outside of the Krosch Lab, Laila is also a research assistant for the Cornell Social Media Lab and the Xenophobia Meter Project. At Cornell, she is involved in Global Shapers, Cornell Piano Society, Cornell Votes, Cru Cornell, and The Women’s Network. In Laila’s free time, she enjoys tap dancing, listening to music, and thrifting!