Hello there - Thank you for your interest in the lab!
I am hoping to recruit a graduate student or two this year and will be reviewing applications this fall/winter for students hoping to join the Cornell PhD program in psychology starting in fall of 2024.
In general, I look for prospective students who have a commitment to addressing real world issues of inequality and who are interested in intergroup decision making, threat (broadly construed), and motivated social cognition and perception. We employ a variety of behavioral and psychophysiological methods, but experience with psychophys methods is not necessary.
If that sounds interesting to you, I encourage you to apply!
Before doing so, I encourage you read the website to learn more about what we do to make sure our interests align. The best way to set your research statement apart from the rest is to clearly articulate how your research interests connect to my lab and other faculty members.
Students who provide clear evidence they have read our papers and thought deeply about how they might extend our research are typically the ones we decide to interview.
You can find links to our recent papers here and our ongoing projects here.
In preparing your materials, please make your intention to join this lab clear, but also think about the fit of your interests to those of other faculty members - our department values the ability to work with multiple mentors, including those across areas.
Here is more information about our application requirements, the psychology department, and the Cornell University graduate school.
Here are additional links that may be useful when considering applying:
Fellowship opportunities for underrepresented applicants
The Krosch lab respects and values the full spectrum of human diversity in race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, body type, socio-economic background, age, disability, and national origin. We strive for inclusion and diversity in achievement and sustained excellence through our research, training, and outreach, and actively seek to promote people underrepresented in psychology. Students of color, women, first generation students, and other underrepresented folks are strongly encouraged to apply to join the lab.
Best of luck to you, and I look forward to seeing your application!